“Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I can feel the Holy Spirit moving among us! As I shared recently, this year we will take some risks. If we do not try new things we do not know what is possible. I think about the fact that in the last year we have connected with Salvation Army, Chestnut Hill Nursing Home, and Passaic County Health. 

My hope and my prayer is now we are at a place where we can connect more with our community members! And yes, it will require all of us working together. For this month, we will celebrate a confirmation for Jazmyne C. Richards. 

I take my calling to this church this next year very seriously. I have been blessed to watch this church endure and appreciate all those in need! 

Please know if I am missing something in our time together I want to know! I am one pastor, but I also know I serve a congregation who knows our roots and the things we are about. 

As your pastor I continue to think about our path forward and I know one of our new initiatives will be Vacation Bible School July 29- August 3rd as well as offering more opportunities for seniors in our community. 

I also want to take a leap of faith. I think about my Mondays and other days of the week. I want to try printing brochures and sitting across from the high school. I truly believe where two or three are gathered, God is present. Until people know what our church is really about- they may not enter. 

I love the congregation I serve and I know God has plans for us! I ask that you trust me in these next few months, but also I want to ask you to consider what the church should look like, be like? Are we ready for a visitor or do we need to make improvements? I know everyone is doing their part, but as we enter this summer I really want us to vision and “do not depend on our own understanding.” 

-Pastor Danny