Jesus Movie Showing
Offering can be individual snack packs for a mission project we are working on or a monetary donation.
Snacks, coffee, and tea will be available.
Offering can be individual snack packs for a mission project we are working on or a monetary donation.
Snacks, coffee, and tea will be available.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
Free viewing with Refreshments of "Noah" delivered by Sight and Sound Theater streaming in fellowship hall. All are invited. Please RSVP to Pastor Danny
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
Calling all men! You are invited to IHOP in Clifton.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
What is Dinner Church?
Scripture Driven
A place that does not care about dress code- we are happy YOU are present
A place where we share our food traditions and get to know new things and new people.
A place that is meant to be casual and uplifting
A place where you can dress as you are
A place where you may be able to share a snack or food.
Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different.
Questions? Please speak with Pastor Danny or email Rev. Veronica Palmer
Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different.
Questions? Please speak with Pastor Danny or email Rev. Veronica Palmer
Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different.
Questions? Please speak with Pastor Danny or email Rev. Veronica Palmer
Free viewing with Refreshments of "The Christmas Story" delivered by Sight and Sound Theater streaming in fellowship hall. All are invited. Please RSVP to Pastor Danny
Things just look, smell, and taste differently during the Advent and Christmas season, and these differences are a sign to us that God is about to do something radical and different.
Questions? Please speak with Pastor Danny or email Rev. Veronica Palmer